Greetings, Canada! The International History Bee and Bowl is excited to be inaugurating its Canadian Division in the 2014 school year. Since our founding in 2010, we’ve grown from a single event near New York City to over twenty countries, and we’re looking forward to holding our first history-themed quiz tournaments in Canada during the 2014-2015 school year. Our tournaments feature comprehensive questions (see “About” for samples) that emphasize critical thinking and a broad knowledge of world and Canadian history. In order to answer the questions, students ring in with a buzzer, in a manner reminiscent of Reach for the Top, Jeopardy!, and other quiz shows. At all of our events, we hold both a competition for school teams (the History Bowl) and a competition for individual students (the History Bee). These are held at different times, though, so students can play both on their own and with their friends. The International History Bee and Bowl feature three different age classes: Middle School, Junior Varsity, and Varsity, and are designed for students aged 11-18.
IHBB staff will be traveling throughout Canada during the fall of 2014, meeting with teachers, administrators, and students. Please contact us if you would like to learn more about our tournaments, and even see a demonstration match. At a minimum, we anticipate holding eight Regional tournaments this school year, with the top students and teams qualifying for our inaugural Canadian National Championships in May 2015. Additional tournaments may also be held, pending interest. This website should hopefully answer most of your questions, but feel free to contact our Executive Director Mrs. Nolwenn Madden at if you have any further questions.
Thank you for your interest in The International History Bee and Bowl and we hope you will be able to join us for our first-ever tournaments in Canada soon!